Saturday, June 29, 2013

Appreciating The Blessings In Our Lives

We are a blessed people!  We have been given more than we need or deserve, but many times we lose perspective of how much we have and instead we focus on the little that we lack.  Instead of giving thanks and praise to God for blessing us, for favoring us and for giving us the abundance that is in our lives, we choose to murmur and complain about the temporary trial, the discouraging situation or the challenging obstacle that is in our path.  What we must always remember and keep in mind is that murmurers don't please God.  Constantly complaining about all that is wrong in our lives brings a curse with it which will keep us from having the true joy, peace and contentment that God wishes for us to have. (1 Corinthians 10:10) (Philippians 2:14-15)

Deuteronomy 30:19 declares “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” We have a choice on how we see our life.  We can look at all of the positives and give thanks and praise to God or we can look at the few negatives and choose to murmur and complain about how tough our life is.  I have found that a grateful heart will be a contented heart and will overcome an obstacle much quicker and easier than choosing to murmur, complain and worry about that problem.  When we act out our faith and show our confidence is in God's ability, He will show up on our behalf and meet our needs in ways that we never thought of or imagined before. (Psalm 34:1-10) (Daniel 3:25)

We are to boast in God's abundance and we should proclaim with our words that we are a blessed people, we are highly favored and meant to overcome, to triumph, to succeed and rise above every challenge, every obstacle and every mountain that we come across.  See your glass as half-full.  See the blessings that abound in your life.  If you are able to read this message, count yourself blessed because there are almost 1 Billion people who can't read.  Think on all that you possess and be grateful for what you have.  Give thanks to the Lord for your family, your friends, your job, your home, your health and anything else that you can think of and with your whole heart give God praise for the abundance that is in your life. (Psalm 111:1-5) (Joel 2:12-13)

I encourage you to see with refreshed eyes how fortunate you really are.  Count your blessings and not your problems because the good in your life greatly outweighs the bad.  Keep an attitude of gratitude and you will see your life change in the most positive of ways.


My New Book: Messages Of Hope: Words of Encouragement That Will Inspire, Lift Up, Challenge and Edify Your Spirit available on Amazon.

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